Published: 29/08/2023 By Chris Powell
As we progress through the seven-year agricultural transition period, moving support and policy away from EU-based schemes by 31st December 2027, DEFRA will be phasing out BPS payments, closing existing agri-environment schemes (such as Countryside Stewardship) and introducing a new approach. The new approach will be 3 tiered and include:1. The Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs). This is a new way to pay farmers and land managers to produce public goods, for example through nature-friendly practices
2. Grants and other help to improve farm productivity and prosperity
3. A new approach to farming regulation and enforcement
To keep up to date in these changing times, Symonds & Sampson are able to advise on all current and future Rural Grant Schemes to include ELMs (Sustainable Farming Incentive, Local Nature Recovery and Landscape Recovery) as well as other emerging schemes such as English Woodland Creation Grant, Slurry Infrastructure Grant and the Adding Value Grant.
Symonds & Sampson’s experts can assist with identifying and applying for funding. Please contact Chris Powell in our Devizes office on 01380 710535 or one of our Rural Grants experts in your nearest office.