Calton Stockley MNAEA

Land & New Homes Manager | Poundbury - Archpoint House

Calton is a familiar face within the local property industry, having worked in Estate Agency for over 40 years. He has recently taken up a new and important role as Land & New Homes Manager based primarily in our Poundbury Archpoint House Office.

He has a keen eye for identifying prospective development sites, working with colleagues throughout the firm, reviewing plans and calculating GDV’s on sites of all sizes from individual plots, conversion opportunities and large-scale developers. He has established an excellent rapport with developers and builders to help them find suitable opportunities.
He was first attracted to Estate Agency straight after college, seeing an advert that suggested he might get a company car. That car took five years to materialise, but he has never looked back.
Outside of work, when not lost in his mancave or taking his classic Yamaha XT for a spin, he enjoys camping, exploring the countryside, and the company of his wife and their ever-expanding family.

01305 251154
07812 792368