Published: 22/01/2024 By Andrew Tuffin
Symonds & Sampson is once again providing its popular Free Farm Valuation Week for possible sales of farms, estates, smallholdings, land and rural properties. Farmers and landowners across the South West are invited to take advantage of the offer.“This is a chance to get an up-to-date market appraisal of your property,” says Andrew Tuffin, Head of the Farm Agency department. “We cover the whole spectrum, from estates to paddocks and commercial farms to development opportunities. For landowners considering their options for the future, it’s a great opportunity to benefit from some free expert advice.”
In 2023 we saw a 15% increase in the supply of land to the market, the first time we a had a double digit % increase in 10 years and rising interest rates also started influencing buyers’ appetite therefore the land market cooled a little.
However, buyer demand remains strong with a much more diverse range of buyers seeking land. A general election year may see some vendors wait for clarity, therefore 2024 could be a good year to sell.
Our Devizes and Tiverton offices are going from strength to strength offering several farms and blocks of land across Wiltshire and Devon to add to our traditional strongholds in Dorset and Somerset and we have linked up with Cornish agents Millerson to offer auction properties across Cornwall.
To take advantage of our expertise and increasing coverage please contact Andrew Tuffin on 01258 472244 or our Farm Agents in your nearest office (below) to discuss your property, the market and values.